▫ Nonsense of a deranged boy.

Yes, I'm so full of shit. (:


Avatar? :O

Went out with Airi on Sunday. Yey. :D
I managed to wake up earlier than mum. :O
It was 8 when my alarm rang, and I expected her to come in.
Waited for a while then slept, woke up at 9 and I thought she'd left.
Got outta bed and found her still lying in bed. -.-
So, I got dressed then woke her up, and after she was done, off I go!

Spent the morning in TBun as usual. :P
Was a little late, but oh well, let Airi take her time. x)
Got a cab to her place and waited for her.
I'm wearing my gay hat today to see its effect on people! :D
Told Airi that, of course so she understood at least. :P
Talked the way to Times Square.

I just wanted to get there to buy those glowing shirt things. xD
They're so cool! I wanna wear them next time I go clubbing. O:
Anyways, we headed to walk off to Pavilion.
On the way, these weirdos stopped and begged us. -.-
Well, they were college students, asking us to donate money.
I didn't understand what for, he seemed to dodge the question.
Another one approached Airi, told her to speak cantonese.
And the retard guy was still asking for me to sign and donate.
He said he and the girl and two different people, she doesn't count. -.-

I signed and donated 20, so did Airi.
Then the girl moved on to me and asked for 20.
So like, wtf, I just did to make them go away.
The girl, has some weird fascination in Japanese culture.
You can guess, she found Airi intriguing as well when she knew. xD
And she thought I was Jap too, merely by sight of how I dress. -.-
In addition, she also thought we were a couple, LOLOLO.

Walked the alley past Sungei Wang and Bukit Bintang.
I crossed the road without Airi and she complained. x)
Oh, I guess I just wanted that to happen. xD
Talked as we walked there, she brought up the topic of the term "chink".
She thought it sounded kinda racist so I told her my story.
Some guy from Sichuan asked me of nationality, I said chink.
He said not to call it chink, maybe because he thought I was calling him chink. xD
I told him, I am chinese, so it's sorta being hypocritical and I don't mind.
He just went, "oh". -.-

Anyway, since me and Airi were the only ones, we went for movie tickets.
We're watching Avatar today! :D
After buying tickets, we went for lunch. And and and, I got Airi to eat! Ngehehe. >:D
We ate some pizza for lunch as we talked. :O
Poor girl only managed to eat 2 breadsticks, 2 slices of pizza, some soup and she was full. xD
I'm starting to wonder if all girls have a puny appetite. -.o

So we chatted until 2.30 and then went to wait to enter.
Bought coke and water for Airi and some popcorn at the concession stand.
Met Syazwina while lining up, Airi did the talking. x)
Got seated for the movie, sat next to an American guy with Airi to my left.
He asked some questions and asked how often I come for a movie.
He said back in America, one ticket costs about $15, here to them it's only $3.
If it was this cheap, he said he'd come for a movie anyday. x)
I like talking to Americans, usually friendly and talkative. xD

Anyway, the movie ran on for about roughly 3 hours.
And it was epic! More epic than I thought!
Most epic movie in 2009, as far as I remember. O:
After the movie, Airi and I went for an early dinner.
We always have something to talk about and I'm glad we do. (:
After dinner, we got a cab home. Another enjoyable day. x)

Oh well, today was pretty uneventful otherwise.
Woke up at 12, got ready 2 to go over to John's.
Mr. Edy isn't free today, so I waited for a cab outside.
Took me half an hour to get one. Didn't go for badminton today.
Fuuuuck. :(
I should go to sleep soon, got tuition.
Goodnight. :)

Chris -⌂-


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